Boat Harbour Beach Master Plan Master plan and engagement
ERA, with Noa Group and Cumulus Studio, was engaged by Waratah Wynyard Council to prepare the Boat Harbour Beach Plan.
Boat Harbour Beach is a small settlement located north-west of Wynyard. It is a traditional summer destination for residents of the North West Coast as well as home to a small permanent population. Its picturesque setting and accessibility to the beach and iconic destinations, such as Rocky Cape National Park, have contributed to attracting tourism to the area. Recent proposed developments have generated significant community interest, and current public infrastructure is considered to be under pressure.
The plan provides a unifying vision for the area, outlining strategic principles and direction for infrastructure and public realm improvements. The first stage of the process included extensive consultation to inform an opportunities and constraints analysis. It included workshops with elected members and council officers, community input workshops, surveys and one-on-one discussions.
The second stage involved further community consultation on the draft plan. This included a community walk through the settlement and opportunity for written submission.
The Boat Harbour Beach Plan was finalised and endorsed by Waratah Wynyard Council in mid-2019 and is currently being implemented by the council.