Dove Lake Viewing Shelter Planning and environmental approvals
ERA Planning was engaged by the Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS) to provide planning services associated with implementing the Cradle Mountain Visitor Experience Master Plan.
This master plan delivers a ‘precinct revitalisation’ at Cradle Mountain, being the northern gateway to the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. The master plan is aimed at presenting clear, strategic direction, directing public infrastructure investment by the Tasmanian and Australian governments as well as opportunities for private commercial involvement.
The core project for the improved visitor experience at Dove Lake is the construction of a new viewing shelter to replace the current car park and provide for updated visitor facilities and walker registration.
ERA, working with the appointed architects, Cumulus Studio, and technical subconsultants including EcoTas and Inspiring Place, facilitated the necessary Commonwealth, State and local approvals.
The Dove Lake Shelter required approval through the Reserve Activity Assessment process, which ERA undertook on behalf of PWS, along with the referral to the Australian Government under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 2002. This work involved preparing a development proposal and environmental impact statement (DPEIS) to inform the Parks assessment process. The DPEIS outlined the proposal, the existing site values, the potential for environmental impact, mitigation measures and monitoring requirements. ERA also prepared the social impact assessment and assisted with visual impact analysis.
ERA then prepared and submitted the planning permit application to Kentish Council, which was granted in early 2019. Construction of the Dove Lake Shelter is well underway and is expected to finish in late 2021.