New Norfolk Structure Plan Spatial strategic planning
ERA, in conjunction with Playstreet and Knight Frank, was engaged by the Derwent Valley Council to prepare a structure plan for New Norfolk that would provide direction for future land use and development of the township over the next 15-20 years.
Land use and development in New Norfolk had been occurring without any long-term strategic plan. It was the last settlement in Southern Tasmania without a settlement boundary and specific planning objectives.
A key objective of the project was therefore to provide clarity to the community and investors about the long-term vision for the town, key opportunities, and the town’s role in the context of the Southern Tasmanian region.
The process involved a detailed review of relevant strategic documents, designing and implementing a stakeholder and community consultation program, and working with property economists and urban designers.
Specific outcomes of the structure plan included:
- an overall vision for the town based on key directions
- the development of clear objectives for the zoning of the town, including the identification of residential, commercial and industrial areas
- the identification of key economic development opportunities in the town, including key underutilised sites such as Willow Court
- the identification of a settlement boundary, having regard to the main land connections and values
- details of improvements to pedestrian and visual connections through the town.