Renewable Energy Regulatory Review Policy planning and engagement
ERA Planning and Environment was engaged by Renewables, Climate and Future Industries Tasmania (ReCFIT) to undertake a review of the assessment process relating to renewable energy projects in Tasmania.
Given both the current and forecasted pace of transition to renewable energy, and with a focus on wind farms (onshore and offshore) of 30 MW or more; solar farms of 10 MW or more; and high-voltage transmission network infrastructure, ReCFIT sought ERA’s advice on reviewing the primary planning and environmental assessment processes for these types of developments.
As part of a broader suite of work by ReCFIT, which will ultimately help Tasmania realise its legislated 200% Tasmanian Renewable Energy Target (TRET), the purpose of the project was to:
- Identify issues and gaps under the existing framework
- Identify opportunities for greater coordination in assessment processes
- Identify options for strategic assessments
- Prioritise matters for consideration by Government to support its renewable energy agenda, including achievement of TRET.
ERA provided a comprehensive review of existing regulation to ReCFIT, including:
- An analysis of the current state of play in Tasmania, including how Tasmania compares to other Australian jurisdictions
- A review of the existing regulatory framework
- A summary of engagement with relevant stakeholders who interact with the approval processes in Tasmania, including proponents, local government, regulators and Tasmanian Government agencies.