New Norfolk Distillery Planning approval and environmental effects report
ERA was engaged by the Derkson family to seek planning approval for a proposed rum distillery in the Alonnah Building at 11 The Avenue, New Norfolk. The project sought to convert an existing heritage building in the heritage-listed Willow Court Asylum Complex to establish a rum distillery, including a sale and tasting bar area. The proposal was also ideally positioned next to the nationally acclaimed Agrarian Kitchen, also located in the complex.
The site’s zoning prohibited the resource processing and food services use classes and therefore the heritage provisions under clause 9.5 of the Scheme were relied on. ERA prepared a planning application, which involved engaging a heritage consultant to ensure impacts to the heritage fabric of the building were minimised and significant heritage features were conserved. The proposal also presented an opportunity for public access and interpretation of the site and improved understanding of this historic place. The New Norfolk Distillery was granted planning approval in 2019.
ERA is currently assisting the Derkson family to obtain planning approval for the use of the existing distillery at 60 Humphrey Street, New Norfolk to conduct cellar door sales, run tasting tours, and host events and occasional outdoor cinema screenings.