TasPorts East Devonport Dredging and Reclaim Environmental and planning approvals
In May 2022, the Devonport East Terminal 3 Dredging and Reclaim Project was approved by the EPA Board, following a Level 2B assessment coordinated by ERA. The project involves dredging the southern end of the existing Berth 3 East berth pocket at the Port of Devonport to enable larger vessels to berth and reclaiming a small area of land to facilitate vessel boarding. This is part of a broader project to upgrade and reconfigure the Port of Devonport to accommodate expected changes in incoming vessel size and type.
ERA was engaged to provide preliminary advice on environment and planning approval pathways in 2019 and has since been retained to support the project throughout the entire Level 2 (class 2B) assessment process.
ERA prepared the environmental impact statement (EIS) and scoped, selected and managed all specialist subconsultants, including for hydrodynamic modelling, aquatic impact assessment, noise impact assessment and contamination assessment. ERA also assisted TasPorts with lodging a Supplement in response to a request for information.
ERA worked closely with the TasPorts project team, the engineering firm managing the project and a third-party provider responsible for designing the dredging program to guide the specialist inputs and gather the information necessary to inform the EIS and gain final regulator approval.