TasWater CDO Environmental, Planning and Engagement Planning, engagement and environmental assessment
ERA has been providing environmental and planning services to the TasWater Capital Delivery Office (CDO) since 2019. Initially ERA helped the TasWater CDO environmental team set up internal guidelines, protocols and standard documents to guide their environment and planning project approval requirements.
Since that time, ERA has provided ongoing project support to the TasWater CDO, preparing approvals and permit management plans, planning reports, environmental reports, ecological surveys, environmental risk assessments and environmental impact assessments for a wide range of projects. These services have been provided discretely for specific projects, which were then carried forward by the TasWater CDO team, and more strategically for larger projects where ERA has held an ongoing coordination and support role during the statutory approval processes.
We value our ongoing relationship with the TasWater CDO and seek to improve our client understanding and project delivery to continue to offer a high level of services.